Hawaii, Photography, Travel, Yarn/Roving


Though it is debatable whether Puff the Magic Dragon’s hometown of Hanah Lee is actually HANALEI, one thing is for certain – Hanalei is a beautiful town with striking views of the ocean.  Located on the north part of the island,  this  is a view from a cliff-top trail that we hiked during our visit to Kauai a few years ago.  Little did I know that during this hike and the subsequent other outings, my future fiancée was looking for a special spot to ‘pop the question’.  A couple days later, we were engaged on the western side of the island on a beach at sunset.

(Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaii | September 2006)

Kauai will always have a special place in my heart and the colors in this photo inspired another colorway. The beige/dark brown of the rocks and sand is a great contrast to the ever changing blue of the sea. HANALEI colorway is available on my shoppe.

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